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3 Simple ways to center div in 2020

This has been an age old question for frontend dev on how to center a div in a page. As you can imag...

Golang - 5 different ways of comparing two strings with reasons

Learn with reason on which method to choose when you are doing the string comparison in Golang and n...

5 ways to concatenate string in Golang with reasons

Learn with reason on which method to choose when you are doing the string concatenation in Golang an...

5 ways to perform for loop in Svelte (Each block)

Svelte for loop are essential things to learn. Learn about the different ways you can use each block...

6 Reasons for developers to consider Svelte for your next project

We list the reasons for considering svelte for your next project and discuss the pros and cons of Sv...

Adding and Removing dependency in Go modules

Adding and Removing dependency in Go modules with examples...

Async and Await - A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Concurrency Features

Async and Await - A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Concurrency Features...

Basics of Informatica MDM (Master Data Management)

An introductory blog in this MDM Series where we will discuss Master Data, Business Problems associa...

Build and Deploy apps with Svelte and Vite

Setup Vite with Svelte and learn about building and deploying apps with Svelte and Vite...

Build Sports Team API with GraphQL - Hasura - Part 2

Learn about one-to-one database relationship by building sports team API...

Build Sports Team API with GraphQL - Hasura - Part 3

Learn about one-to-many database relationship by building sports team API...

Build Sports Team API with GraphQL - Hasura - Part 4

Learn about many-to-many database relationship by building sports team API...

Building basic CRUD operations in Go with Fiber

Building simple CRUD operations using Fiber. This article goes into detail about how to set up the A...

Building CLI application with GO

This article explains how to create a simple application in Go and access the feature using a CLI in...

Convert string to bool in Golang

Converting string to bool can be done using the strconv.ParseBool method. It tries to return a boole...

Convert string to bytes in golang

Converting string to bytes can be done using the []bytes() method...

Data Models, Schema, and Schema Viewer in Informatica MDM Hub Console

Learn about Data Models, Schema, and Schema Viewer in MDM. ...

Getting Started with Svelte by building a landing page

Learn Svelte by building a landing page using HTML, CSS, JavaScript...

Git workflow explained with visual boards

Git helps developers work in a more collaborative manner and so it is an essential skill for all dev...

Go - If Else Statement

Conditional statement form the basics of any program and you will learn how to write if else stateme...

Go - Learning 'for' loop statement in-depth

In programming, repeating a particular task is essential. Loop helps in executing pieces of code mul...

Go Switch - 6 ways of using Switch in Go

Application Development will have business logic based on a few conditions and the switch statement ...

Go Testing with Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development follows the principle of converting the requirements into a test case and de...

How to program a while loop in golang?

Golang syntax does not have a keyword for `while` loop but we can use the `for` loop syntax to creat...

Sorting a Slice of Integers in Reverse With Golang

Learn how to sort a slice of interger in golang using sort.Reverse()...

Golang - What is epoch?

What is epoch value? Learn about how to calculate the epoch value in Go....

GraphQL Queries - Getting Started

Getting started with GraphQL Queries...

GraphQL Queries - Variables

Learn about GraphQL variables and how to use them...

How to build Contact us page with Sveltekit and Supabase

We will build the Contact Us page with SvelteKit and integrate it with Supabase. We will use the Car...

How to check if a map contains a key in Go?

How to check if a map contains a key in Go using example...

How to concatenate strings in Go

Different ways to concatenate strings in Go with examples...

How to Convert integer to string type in Go?

You can convert integer to string type in golang using the Itoa() function from the strconv package....

How to convert Map to Array in Javascript / Typescript

Learn how to convert your map variable in javascript/typescript into an array variable....

How to Convert string to integer type in Go?

You can convert string to integer type in golang using the Atoi() function from the strconv package....

How to create a multiline string in Go

A multiline string can be useful when you want to show the user of your app in a readable format. Th...

How to deploy React vite apps to Netlify

In this article, learn about how to deploy your finished React apps built with Vite to Netlify....

How to find the type of an object in Go

Finding the type of the object using the reflect package in Go...

How to make a landing page with Astro, HTML, CSS

Follow along with this code walk through on how to build a landing page with Astro using a unique la...

How to make an API call in Svelte

Learn how to make an API call in svelte with loading and error states. Fetching data from the API is...

How to pause execution using the sleep function in Golang

Learn about the Sleep function from the time package to pause the execution of the thread. Also lear...

How to run a Golang Program?

How to run a Golang program to get the output of the Go in command line...

How to use Golang Maps?

Map is a built-in type in Go that helps in storing key-value pairs. Learn how to use Golang maps in ...

How to use main and init functions in Golang

Go language reserves main() and init() function for special purposes which can help simplify your co...

How to use Svelte onMount Lifecycle method

onMount provides a way to run a function when the component is loaded to the DOM. This can be used t...

How to write tests in Sveltekit and Vitest

We will learn about setting up Sveltekit and Vitest for writing tests and we will build an async com...

Informatica MDM Hub Architecture with Core and Optional components

This post covers in detail MDM Hub architecture and goes into detail about various aspects of Inform...

Introduction to Golang

Building your first console application using Golang...

Introduction to Svelte Derived Store

In this article, we will learn how to make use of derived store from Svelte....

Introduction to Svelte Readable Store

Store in Svelte are a very good way to keep the data and component logic separate and have access to...

Introduction to Svelte Stores

Learn about how Svelte offers a store that can help in bringing the reactivity of something like RxJ...

Learn about Drag and Drop API with Svelte by building a game

Learn Svelte by making a match-three game. Learn about the HTML Drag and Drop API...

Svelte Basics - Each block - Part 5

Svelte Each block can be used to loop through the items in an array to perform some task. Usually, i...

Svelte Basics - If / Else / If Else block - Part 4

Learn about how to add if and else block syntax in Svelte...

Svelte Basics - Introduction to Svelte - Part 1

In this introduction post about Svelte, learn the basics of Svelte. Learn through practical examples...

Svelte Basics - Props and State - Part 2

Learn more about Svelte state and props in this post. You can understand how svelte is handling stat...

Svelte Basics - Reactivity - Part 3

Learn about the DOM and how Svelte handles reactivity to update the DOM when the state changes are m...

Svelte - Login and Authentication with Supabase

Building Login and Signup component using Svelte and connect to Supabase for authentication...

Svelte with Vite and TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS provides easy classes to replace the CSS you will be writing. Learn about how to integra...

Testing a React application with Vitest

Learn about testing React applications with Vitest. We will cover setting up react with vitest and s...

Using Bootstrap Modal in Svelte

Bootstrap offers an modal which will have the styles needed to show the popup. We can use that in ou...

Using Bootstrap with Svelte

Getting started with Svelte and Bootstrap...

What is a Web 3.0 wallet? Getting started with DApps

Learn about the basics of web 3.0 and how to create your wallet. Connect your wallet with one of the...

What is GraphQL ?

Basics of GraphQL with example...