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Golang - 5 different ways of comparing two strings with reasons

Learn with reason on which method to choose when you are doing the string comparison in Golang and n...

5 ways to perform for loop in Svelte (Each block)

Svelte for loop are essential things to learn. Learn about the different ways you can use each block...

Building CLI application with GO

This article explains how to create a simple application in Go and access the feature using a CLI in...

Git workflow explained with visual boards

Git helps developers work in a more collaborative manner and so it is an essential skill for all dev...

Go - Learning 'for' loop statement in-depth

In programming, repeating a particular task is essential. Loop helps in executing pieces of code mul...

Go Testing with Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development follows the principle of converting the requirements into a test case and de...

Golang - What is epoch?

What is epoch value? Learn about how to calculate the epoch value in Go....

How to make an API call in Svelte

Learn how to make an API call in svelte with loading and error states. Fetching data from the API is...

How to run a Golang Program?

How to run a Golang program to get the output of the Go in command line...

How to use Golang Maps?

Map is a built-in type in Go that helps in storing key-value pairs. Learn how to use Golang maps in ...

How to use main and init functions in Golang

Go language reserves main() and init() function for special purposes which can help simplify your co...

Introduction to Svelte Derived Store

In this article, we will learn how to make use of derived store from Svelte....

Introduction to Svelte Stores

Learn about how Svelte offers a store that can help in bringing the reactivity of something like RxJ...

Svelte - Login and Authentication with Supabase

Building Login and Signup component using Svelte and connect to Supabase for authentication...

Svelte with Vite and TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS provides easy classes to replace the CSS you will be writing. Learn about how to integra...